Sunday, February 15, 2009


Hello LdM Class of 1989!!

On Saturday, July 25th, the Class of 1989 will hold their 20th Reunion - a big event that we hope everyone will be able to attend!!

This site has been created to provide information, collect information and ensure that our reunion is a huge success - allowing old friends to reconnect, acquaintances to reacquaint and maybe even new friends to be made!!

You can RSS link to this blog for continued updates, or simply stop by to read news. We hope you will not only subscribe, but provide us with you most updated contact information (which will be kept private, never printed on this site unless you wish so and before it is included in a reunion address book, will require your permission). By having your most updated address and email, we can make sure you receive all postal mail related to the reunion, including the official invitation.

In the meantime, save the date and let us know how you've been!!!